

Friday 25 May 2012

lindt wedding favors

Chocolate wedding favors have been a great addition to many wedding celebrations. But, when did they start to become a big deal in modern day weddings? Who started this craze of giving gifts to your guest for simply attending your wedding? The guests should want to come to a wedding because they want to help you celebrate, not to receive anything in return.

lindt wedding favors

Favors are gifts that the bride and groom provide to their wedding party. There are unlimited possibilities for the gifts that the couple decides to distribute. Chocolates have become one of the most popular gifts to give to wedding guests.

The chocolate favors can be made however the bride deems fit. When choosing a small gift it gives the bride a chance to let her personality shine through. The type of gift usually is something that the bride chooses. They are usually something she enjoys as well.

lindt wedding favors

Small gifts to the guests are a century old favorite that dates back to the sixteenth century. Initially, they were a big hit for elaborate weddings hosted by the upperclass Europeans. The wealthy families used a wedding celebration as a way to display their wealth to all. Therefore to show how wealthy they truly were they would provide elaborate parting gifts to their guests.

lindt wedding favors

The wedding favor would come in an elaborate jewel studded box filled to capacity with delicious sweets. The French called this box a bonbonniere, the reason being, the box was normally filled with bonbons, a delectable chocolate treat. Sugar at the time was extremely expensive; so many guests who were given this gift took it as an honor to receive. Brides and grooms were seen to be graced with good fortune; therefore the issuing of gifts at their wedding was a way for them to share their good luck with others.

lindt wedding favors

The use of wedding favors in a wedding has taken a lot of stress off of the bride and groom. Instead of having to buy each guest their own individual gift, wedding favors have become the perfect alternative. Chocolate wedding favors will continue to be a hit at weddings for years to come. Who wouldn't want to indulge in a delicious treat while enjoying the company of the lucky couple and other friends?

Nowadays many chocolate companies will even personalize the gifts for a particular wedding. Such companies as Hershey's participate in creating great chocolate gifts that guest are assured to love and remember for years to come.

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